George - Wolverhampton-UK
Skeptical | Open minded | Intrigued |
“I met Kim at a pertinent transitional period in my personal and professional life & I am forever grateful that I did. After a recommendation from friends and discussions with the 'oracle' herself I decided to give a treatment a try and booked my first session in January 2019. I was sceptical but open minded and intrigued by my friends experiences.
As a mental health professional ironically I struggle to engage in my own talking therapy. However, I had enough insight to know that my 'untold truths' were weighing on me. I was experiencing frequent flashbacks as winter was a particularly triggering time as well as dealing with the ending of a very complex and traumatic 13 yr relationship. I needed a space where I was not required to talk but was in desperate need of something to help.
My initial session was what can only be described as transforming because within weeks I felt significantly better. Almost like a weight had literally been lifted from my shoulders. Since then I have had 3 more sessions and 1 timeline treatment and would highly recommend this to anyone. My most recent treatment was this week and I hadn't seen Kim for almost a year due to covid. The past few months I'd been experiencing a lot of discomfort in my neck and pain locating in my chest. I didn't tell Kim any of this. However interestingly (but not surprising) this is where she spent a lot of time during our treatment - amazing! And just to add what Kim can pick up whilst you're on the bed is incredibly spooky. There are no hidden truths. Seeing & experiencing is believing.
Thanks for helping me take care of myself and for your support on my journey. What a difference 22 months makes. Happier, healthier and looking forward to what's to come”.
George - Wolverhampton UK